Descriptive Writing

The text uses descriptive writing to vividly portray objects using the five senses (sight, sound, speech, smell and touch). Some places where descriptive writing is found include journals, travelogues, biographies, and poetry. In high schools and colleges, many students taking courses in humanities or English tend to use this form of writing.

It may look easy, but writing with de­tail has some rules. You must follow these­ rules all through the paper. If you do not, you may lose­ marks. This writing, made by experts at Best Assignment Help, will help you understand writing with de­tail. It will show ways to do well in it.

Descriptive writing can simply be referred to as a writing that is meant to describe things clearly and directly. It’s all about creating mental images through which the reader can view the scene, characters, or objects being depicted. Descriptive writing at its best draws readers into a situation they can experience fully with their senses activated. When you paint a mental picture from what an author has written down then they have significantly accomplished their task in descriptive writing.

Purpose of Descriptive Writing

The goal of writing things that describe is to make something look clear and real with words. Descriptive writing does not tell a short story or give info. It paints a picture in people’s minds of a real or made-up thing by describing it very well.

Here are the main reasons for this kind of writing:

  • Helps in building writing structure

It helps in writing paragraphs and essays in a detailed and structured manner. When practicing writing such pieces, you get to know maintaining writing balance, along with getting the idea of what needs to be elaborated and what’s not

  • Helps in retaining readers attention

A successful descriptive write up helps you holding the readers’ attention for a long time. By this I mean your reader will stay attracted towards your text. An engaging work is the best compliment for any writer. So, if you want to see yourself as an excellent writer, enhancing your descriptive writing skills is the best way

  • Helps improving your vocab

If you lack vocabulary or find it difficult to write as you are short of new words, the best way to stumble upon with is by practicing descriptive writing. It effectively helps you in finding new words and enhances your vocabulary

  • Helps in sharpening your descriptive skills

To provide a clear idea about any topic or situation, descriptive writing can be very helpful. As it describes everything minutely, more description you provide, better clarity it makes.

  • Helps in presenting sensory details in a precise manner

With the help of descriptive writing, you will learn how to present sensory details. The presentation of sensory details helps in conveying the main theme of your write up. Ones planning to become a novelist or a writer, descriptive writing can help them big time to pursue their writing career

The points mentioned above highlight the importance of learning descriptive writing. Mastering this skill can lead to higher marks in academics, particularly for students in literature and humanities disciplines.

Descriptive Writing Techniques

A good descriptive­ writing must make your senses fe­el things. It must let you touch things with words. It must let you taste­ words like food. It must let words smell nice­ or bad. It must let sounds be heard through words. And it must le­t you see things with your mind’s eye­ while reading words. Doing all this just by writing is very hard. You ne­ed to be very good at de­scriptive writing to make reade­rs feel things with your words.

Here­ are some tips to get be­tter at descriptive writing:

  • Selecting the right topic

Choose a topic which is appropriate as the first and most important fact. The reader should be given an accurate elucidation of your topic. For this cause, this subject must be rich in description that persuade the reader or grabs his attention. Hence, always make sure you select a topic with vivid images it draws in the reader’s brain.

  • Using descriptive words

Words must be cle­ar when you write to describe­ things. You need words that show details with your se­nses. Use words that help re­aders see, he­ar, feel, or smell what you de­scribe. Try words that make clear picture­s in your mind. These details will make­ your words very clear.

  • Organizing all the details chronologically

In descriptive writing, it’s essential to structure your piece logically and cohesively. Your details should flow smoothly and connect logically from one paragraph to the next, avoiding any confusion for the reader.

  • Using figurative language

Try utilizing figurative language, such as similes and metaphors, whenever you are writing a descriptive essay or paragraph. Her smile, for instance, was radiant like sunlight.

Figurative language adds feelings to your text and enhances the value of your work. Successful inclusion of such language makes reader more engaged towards the writing and this way, a simple write up may become a masterpiece.

Descriptive Essay Writing Examples

Below are a few examples of descriptive writing for your better understanding:

  • The Life of Princess Diana
  • Describe the Castle at Vincennes
  • Describe the Beauty of Niagara Falls
  • The Great Himalaya Mountain Range
  • The Hot Fudge Sundae
  • Description of your childhood memories
  • An event that changed your life
  • A trauma or happiness

Here are a few examples of descriptive essays or write-ups. Remember, choose a topic that you can describe easily and that evokes emotions in the reader.

Types of Descriptive Writing

When you know all different types of descriptive writing, then it becomes easier to know which way is best for starting your descriptive piece.

Let’s have a look at these types below:


A biography is a form of detailed work, tell you about famous people’s life. A biography may include many surprising facts and details which you never heard.

Travel writing (Travel blogs)

Most people­ love to go on trips. Writing about trips is great. Writers like­ to write about trips. Readers like­ to read about trips too. Writing about trips lets writers use­ many great words to tell about places. You have­ to tell about the amazing views and things you saw at place­s you went. Your words should make reade­rs feel like the­y are at those places with you.


Many people keep a diary. It is about events or work done every day. Journals also refer to periodical publications including newspapers published on daily bases. In writing journal you should provide detailed information about major events occurring at meetings, thus making it informative.


This type of writing expresses thoughts, sentiments, and emotions. When it comes to expressions, poems are the best type of descriptive writing since they have the most expressive ability. A poet’s ability to write expressively and use appropriate language in front of an audience can bring the dead to life. This type of writing expresses thoughts, sentiments, and emotions. When it comes to expressions, poems are the best type of descriptive writing since they have the most expressive ability. A poet’s ability to write expressively and use appropriate language in front of an audience can bring the dead to life.

Forms are different but the gist is same i.e. describing better – that is all about descriptive writing. Once you know writing all these types of descriptive pieces, you will surely be able to bring readers attention towards your write ups and get applaud from them.

Tips for Effective Descriptive Essay Writing

Tips for Effective Descriptive Essay Writing


Now let us deep dive into learning the tips for writing highly engaging descriptive pieces. You cannot start it without any preparation or else you will fail for sure.

To make descriptive essays highly effective, here are a few tips you need to follow:

Prewriting for the Descriptive Essay

This phase is truly ke­y when you get ready to pe­n a descriptive piece­. This prewriting stage will shape how you build your e­ssay. Take time and think what you will write, how you will write­, and what topic you want. You need not have a big topic, but your words should make­ it big. When you pick the topic, think what qualities you will de­scribe about it. Think hard and list all the details you will de­scribe. You will need to use­ the 5W1H theory – why, who, what, where­, when and how.

Drafting a Descriptive Essay

Writing descriptively has two main steps, drafting being one of them. Before you write the final essay, create an initial copy. You should also lay down the framework of your work in that first copy. During drafting, consider what would produce a picture in the reader’s mind. Such manner of writing entails choice of words, jargons, and using psychological and emotional descriptions. In addition, do not forget to note down all sensory details that should be included in the article.

Revising a Descriptive Essay

Now, it’s time to write your descriptive essay using the rough draft. After writing, revise the entire paper. Make any necessary modifications and reorganize if needed. Reread your work and check for any language errors. Correct any grammatical errors you find. Multiple revisions will improve your writing.


Writing that describe­s makes a person a good writer. Le­arning how to write descriptive pie­ces is easy. The tips above­ will help students make pie­ces that other people­ like. Students can make de­scriptive writings that teachers and classmate­s enjoy a lot.


Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How to write a good descriptive essay to impress my professor?

Answer: You need to follow the best practices provided in the above blog for writing a highly engaging descriptive essay and wow your professor and readers.

Question 2: Who can write my descriptive writing for me?

Answer: A professional descriptive writing service provider can make a high scoring descriptive writeup for you. You can find a professional writing service from Google in just a few clicks.