Turnitin’s AI Detection: The Evolution of Academic Integrity in the Age of ChatGPT

Indeed, the reports regarding Turnitin’s capability to detect the utilization of AI tools like ChatGPT are accurate. Initially, students welcomed the emergence of ChatGPT and its ability to generate content on various subjects, which provided them with a sense of relief. However, this dependency had a detrimental effect on students’ motivation to conduct research and write using their own abilities. Consequently, it undermined the fundamental purpose of written assessments, which is to evaluate students’ individual skills, knowledge, and commitment to their subjects and assignments. As a result, ChatGPT has become a source of concern for university assessment teams.

However, programs like Turnitin have also evolved and woken up by including the ability to identify AI. It has been observed that many UK students have stopped utilizing this service for personal gain as a result of this innovation, but it has also had an impact on students’ access to real and helpful information, which ChatGpt otherwise does a very good job of providing. Thus, the primary queries are: does it always work and how can I avoid answering questions about how original your stuff is? You will have all of your questions answered and a long-term fix for this issue by the end of this blog.

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is an online tool that is intended to review content and locate all of the sources from which any given piece of information has been obtained. Its goal is to assess the degree of originality that an individual can convey via their work. Universities mostly use it to evaluate students’ academic integrity in the assignments they are given. It is undoubtedly highly beneficial for both instructors and students. They check personally before filing in order to avoid being falsely accused, and they are honest with themselves.

Features of Turnitin

Before diving into Turnitin and its disapproval towards ChatGpt, let’s understand what features it promises.

•Comprehensive Database: This Tool has backup data for almost all the sources that students can use. So when content is taken from other resources, it directly shows the actual sources from where you took the content.

• Detection of Paraphrasing: It can also detect similarities between two different articles if one article has been paraphrased to look like another article. So even if students take the essence from somewhere else and change the sentence formation, it doesn’t help much if the professor is using Turnitin.

• Shows the percentage of plagiarism: Turnitin has a feature which can quantify the amount of uniqueness and plagiarism there is in any content. The value is shown in the form of percentages by summing up all the plagiarism to present the complete content.

• Shows the presence of Artificial intelligence: This is the latest update in Turnitin in which the complete content is also analysed for the use of OpenAI. Although ChatGpt produces unique content, still it can be differentiated from human-written content.

Difference between Human-Generated Content And Chat GPT Content

Students might think that the content given by Chatgpt is very similar to human-generated content. But that isn’t the case. Many professionals and Turnitin can distinguish between these two adhering to the following characteristical differences.

Human Generated Content

Chat GPT Content 
Humans write using emotional values and engagement with the audience. No emotional value or audience engagement is displayed in AI content.
Writes and matches with every personal requirement of the user. Cannot be customised according to human needs
The tone is adjusted according to what type of content is written .Usually formal tone is used
Every information is connected and there is a flow of content The content isn’t glued together and lacks a flow in the context.
Any piece of information is mentioned after deep analysis and research. It included information from the backup data provided by humans.
Humans always write unique, insightful and personalized content. It does not always guarantee to provide unique or different content.

Why Do Students Use ChatGpt?

Why Do Students Use ChatGpt?

The main question that even professors wonder is why students even feel the need to use ChatGpt in the first place. But many valid reasons need to be taken into account and the solution to end dishonesty comes from the student’s side. These reasons are as follows:

Competition To Score Best: There’s a hoard among students to be better than others. If one student is using Chatgpt, others fall under the same trap to reach as high as them if they are lucky enough to ditch Turnitin. The competition is so fast-paced that they are not able to foresee the bad consequences.

Poor Research Skills: All students want content which is different from regular information. Because students don’t excel in finding such through high-quality research, they find unique and different content through Chat GPT.

• They want to save time: Finding and writing accurate and relatable content is surely time-consuming. Students don’t get time, especially with all lectures and homework. Using ChatGPT seems very easy and quick for students.

• Poor Writing Skills: Students lack the skills which are required to write the best content. Students think that the content given by Chatgpt is of high quality and can be used to collect high grades.

They badly want unique Content: It’s a special guideline given by all UK universities to only give unique content, otherwise, it isn’t acceptable. Many students are under the impression that ChatGPT is 100 % unique which might or might not be true.

• Financial Issues: Using this tool comes off as cheap to students. However, there are many affordable best assignment help websites that can be very good options for their academic investment as they protect from getting rejected assignments at all costs.

Is Turnitin Detection 100% accurate?

The answer is yes and also no. This is because it is not yet proven that Turnitin can detect the presence of content derived from Chatgpt. Research is still going on to ensure complete accuracy in detecting what’s taken from Chatgpt and what’s human written. Many reports have shown that human efforts have also been detected as artificially written which can cause of lot of academic pressure if not fixed right away. Other than that, it usually shows perfect results but can improve a lot in future.

Consequences of Using ChatGpt

Tools like ChatGpt were created for the betterment of human life by making advanced knowledge reachable to everyone. But somehow not all students are using it for learning and crossing the boundary that is meant to safeguard their willingness to learn independently. All of these have led to the following consequences:

• Assignment Get Rejected: As soon as even a small amount of AI is detected, it is disapproved by professors ending with rejected assignments. This is almost every student’s nightmare after putting in so much effort and time.

• Trust is Broken: When students are caught using AI, it creates a really bad impression on professors and makes it hard for them to trust you for other work. Even if you choose a self-written path afterwards it isn’t as effective. So you must choose wisely.

• Bad Remark in Resume: Getting one assignment marked as rejected also affects your record or portfolio. Interviewers look deep into your records and finding this can build second thoughts in their selection criteria.

• PromotesToo Much Dependency: When students are writing assignments without help, they research, write, and improve on their own. But using Chatgpt robs them of this learning opportunity and makes them completely dependent on this generative pre-trained transformer chatbot.

• Partially in checking: Professors intend to assess a student’s skills and give marks for their assignments. Using Chatgpt produces content which is not at all written by students, hence loopholes occur in analysing a student’s performance.